segunda-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2010

♫♪Sopra em mim Vento Do Espírito, contigo eu quero ir...♫♪

"Our God is an awesome God!"
God is my everything. Today, I am so blessed by His Holy Spirit that I have to share that with you, man or woman, simple human being, created to be salt and light to this world. God has been doing so many miracles in my life. I could talk about it for many hours and it wouldn't be enough to show all the gratitude I have inside my heart.
He lifted me up and I can see all the promises He has to my life. He chose me. I am his beloved daughter and you can be that as well. He is right there,beside you, watching every single step. Rest in His mercy and let Him use you. Among many other things, let Him take care of you and show you the way He has for your life.

There's just one thing to be done: Believe.

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