Inspired by the movie "Julie and Julia" I felt an incredible will to write here about how I'm feeling lately.
I'm not going to tell you what's the movie about,but if you want, you can check it here:
Anyway, sometimes it's hard to explain all the things that happen with me. I used to be this enthusiastic girl, full of energy and joy. Now, I can summarize myself as a nostalgic and lonely girl, although I'm always sorrounded by a lot of people. They have no idea how I feel. I used to share all my toughts with the others just to have someone to listen to it and now, when I do it, the only thing I can feel is guilt. I'm trying to figure when and where I lost it.
I'm trying to find the confidence I used to have. Now, the simple fact of being in a line, waiting for some fotocopies makes me unconfortable enough to run away and forget about the copies.
There are only two things I'm not ashamed of and they usually don't happen at the same time, but sometimes I get it at the same day. I love to worship God and study English. When I'm doing it, it's like nothing could stop me.
Thus, letting those bad feelings behind, today I had the 1st English class of this 2nd semester and at night, I'll have the chance to worship and praise the Lord again.
I don't really know why this sadness is around, but I'm thankful because everyday I can start searching for my lost side. Starting all over again.
2 comentários:
Olá, Taisa. Passo aqui para agradecer sua visita no blog. Realmente Adriano é uma excelente pessoa, poeta e ator.
Irei assistir á peça em que ele está atuando nesta sexta-feira, pois adoro seu trabalho.
Um abraço pra você.
Oi Taísa, tu pediste informacão no meu blog sobre os documentos necessários pra casar. Se fores casar aí, tu tens que procurar a embaixada/consulado dinamarquês e dar entrada com eles nos papéis, e eles te dirão quais são. Pra casar aqui, que é na prefeitura, ele deve se informar que documentos tu tens que trazer, mas acredito que apenas o passaporte seja necessário. Boa sorte.
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